Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Holy Unbeleivable Decision...

My life is now an official TRANWRECK! I am 99.9% sure I want out of my marriage and just when I think I am ready to leave and things cant get any worse, Mr. Nice Guy makes an appearance and pulls me right back in. Even though Mr. Nice Guy only sticks around for a few hours a week....that guy I can actually stand. It's the asshole he is most of the time that is driving me insane. I know leaving is what's best for me and the kids, I just need to grow a pair and DO IT! I just keep telling myself...all in good time. I want the least amount of disruption in my kids lives...don't want to have to move them around from my parents to an apt to a house.

So with all my new found revelations, I guess we'll see where I end up! Looking at a house...a little small but big enuf for me and the kids with a nice yard. Good neighborhood! Wish me luck!


P.S. Not that one has anything to do with the other, but I met a real great guy (who ended up being really creepy/pervy). We'll see how it works out. I am so done with the relationship b/s....just nice to have a friend with benefits. Benefits come in handy when you don't plan on dating! heh

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