Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Haven't posted in a while and there is so much going on I don't even know where to start!

I filed my divorce papers last Thursday. What an emotional day that was. After almost 12 years, it took me 5 minutes and $250 to get a case number stamped on the papers and in 90 days I will be divorced! I left the courthouse sobbing. I know it's the right thing to do, but the finality of it....was just crushing!

I am now, for the time being, staying at my parents. Thank god they are out of town this month. My townhouse should close March 5th and I can't wait to get settled. My asshole soon to be ex threw myself and the kids out ON VALENTINES DAY! He is such a stellar person...DUH GUY, IT'S NO WONDER I AM DIVORCING YOUR ASS! But he cashed me out of the house so now 'it is his house'. As for us doing what's best for the kids, well he now says he could care less what is best for them as long as I am miserable. In fact, he looked my son dead in the face and said 'do you see what a bitch your mother is?' I am telling you, it took all I had not to come across the island in our kitchen and choke him. But my boy, god I love him, he looked at his dad and said 'no she isn't and don't talk to my mom that way!' I was so proud of him!!! I mean, he is now scarred for life, but both him and his sister will grow to resent their dad and none of it will be my doing. I never say anything bad about him. I actually told my son later that day when he asked why papa was being so mean that 'papa was just having a bad day'.

Let's see, what else? I mentioned above closing on my very own FIRST place. That's exciting and scary all at the same time. But can't wait to get in there and make it my own.

Loving my job. Just found out the girl I share my office with has a smokin' hot brother. I could have killed her for not telling me sooner. LOL But he is only 26, and we all know my cut off is now 28! LMAO

I have met (well sort of) a few different guys over the past few months. Most of them in the same situation as I am. Going through a divorce with kids. Schedules are a BITCH to coordinate when you both have kids. LOL But it has been nice to have someone to talk to who knows exactly what I am going through.

Met up with a friend that I haven't seen since possibly grade school a few weeks ago for some karaoke and blue drinks. NOTE TO ANYONE OUT THERE READING....DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT DRINK ANYTHING BLUE! That was the worst 3 day to 1 week hang over I have ever had. And I am totally not joking!

I get to see Annabelle in 4 WEEKS and COUNTING! I cannot wait. We both have had so much going on lately I feel like we barely talk. ANNABELLE, I MISS YOU! (say it in a singing voice)

What else? I am sure there is a ton. But for now I will just say this, as sad as I am to be going through this divorce, I know it is what is best for me and my kids. And even being sad, I can see the light at the end of all this. I actually sleep better at night knowing I don't have to endure my ex's b/s the next day. I ACTUALLY SLEEP! It is the weirdest thing. And not that he still doesn't dish out plenty of b/s, it's just now, I don't have to care! It's an amazing feeling.

So on that note....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read one of your posts, and just had to look! lol

Aquarius + Pisces

Air + Water = Rain

Aquarius falls in the 12th zone to Pisces. This region is mysterious, hard to understand. It is a zone of secrets, and one that can mean defeat or loss, especially to Pisces: this combination might make Pisces feel undermined if you’re not prepared to adapt to their unique kind of idealism. You're dealing with an old soul when you’re with a Pisces. Be prepared for an unusual connection.

Aquarius could be one of the signs most likely to teach Pisces their greatest lessons in the way of self-sacrifice. With you, they'll have to go all out to satisfy your needs, and they too will have to change in many new ways if they want to keep up with you.

This combination also hints at many hidden secrets that will eventually be shared between you. You will both feel as if you have to reveal aspects of your past in order to help the other grow. You usually find it hard to share these things, but with Pisces, it will flow very easily.

You may not trust each other at first; this will have more to do with their attitude towards you than with yours to them.

Far from Pisces causing you any loss, they could eventually prove to be financially quite beneficial to you. Your free and easy manner might work against their own financial interests though, because they'll keep wanting to please you—at their own expense. Make sure you don’t take advantage of what Pisces brings to the table: all relationships need to be mutually supportive.

The karmic influences between you also relate strongly to the sexual side of your life together. Both of you will know this as soon as you meet.

Sometimes when an Aquarian and Piscean get together, there’s a social or cultural reason for not making the relationship public and sharing it with friends or family. Sometimes the religious or cultural viewpoints of each person’s peer group are opposed to the relationship. For whatever reason, there’s a hint of the clandestine about your relationship.

Pisceans born anywhere between 19 February and 28/29 February tend to have a secretive nature, and you may not be able to resolve things with them openly. These relationships could teach you some important lessons: there are serious issues that need to be worked out.

Pisceans born between 1 March and 10 March will bring some much-needed emotional sensitivity to this relationship. They can open your heart and soften your nature considerably.

Pisces born between 11 March and 20 March have strong links with your professional life. You could work together; you would do very well as a unit.