Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Everyone sucks today......You meet someone who you think is going to turn out to be the perfect friend with benefits.....both married, so there is no worries about getting ratted out on either side. You chat for hours via IM, exchange photos and instantly there is a connection. You have a ton in common, same ideas about sex....on paper a perfect match.

And then, cold feet. Most first timers get it and what they don't know is that the curiosity that got them to that point only gets more intense as time goes on. They think they can get past it or push it out of their mind....but I am here to tell you, it ain't happening! I have tried so many times to be a 'good wife'...it lasts for a while and then my husband starts his asshole bullshit and I end up looking for that emotional connection somewhere else with someone who understands me. That in itself is hard to come by. Most guys just want to nail you and bail. No thank you .

I am looking for someone who not only understands me (and obviously is ok with my situation), but values my friendship, finds me attractive, is passionate about me and for fucks sake, treats me like the queen I know I am. I deserve nothing less! So meeting some random drunk horny prick in a bar isn't doing it for me! Although I do tend to drink quite a bit when I am out and for some reason the drunk horny pricks get more and more attractive after about 6 or 7 double raspberry stoli's! But that is besides the point.....I do seriously need to work on the saying no to assholes like that! I need a card to put in my purse that says 'just say no to drunk horny pricks...you deserve better'...maybe tape it to the back of my drivers license or something so everytime I go to pay for yet ANOTHER drink I'll have that as my reminder!

Like I said, it was a real bad day! Just venting!

On a lighter note I have met someone who I find very intriguing...been chatting with him as well via IM....so we will see where that goes. Right now I am just real hesitant about meeting strangers in person. Can you blame me? I swear I am constantly thinking I am being set up for the show Cheaters or the my husband hired a private dick....SERIOUSLY! I am so paranoid!


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