Monday, August 11, 2008

tired.....and sick.....

I'm sick......and tired........and sick and tired of being TIRED.

Sleep disorders aside, I have the most horrendous head cold/sore throat ailment that I've ever had. I feel horrid. My head feels like it's going to explode, the glands in my neck feel like they're the size of grapefruits and my throat feels like I've been garggling broken glass.

Good times.

And, I'm feeling REALLY weird about a new friend. I will call him Ireland.

1) He's so, so, so intelligent and funny. So funny, I LOVE funny. Not one of those people who throw around random puns and THINK they're funny (this would be me) but really, truly funny.

2) Sensitive...and romantic (not toward me, yet, but through stories he's shared with me). And sweet, so sweet. And artistic. Creative. Articulate, i could read for hours.......And so, so, so cute.

3) Married. And open, of course. And looking for love.....which I'd LOVE to give him.

But I can't.

Because my husband won't "let" me.

Bitter and Angry, party of 1.

I'm going to bed.

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