Friday, September 12, 2008


I finally got the courage to talk to my parents about leaving my husband and they were not as supportive as I had hoped. And after spending most of the day weeping at their house there was no way my husband wasnt going to notice something was up. So I finally decided to just tell him what had been on my mind. Now of course he wasnt shocked, but instead said that he would stay in this marriage forever, regardless of if he loved me, because 'after you have kids, that's what your supposed to do'! UMM NO IT ISN'T MORON!!!!!! Seriously, sometimes it's like I live in the twilight zone!

Anyways, we are ONCE AGAIN, going to try and work on things (or at least he thinks we are). Meanwhile, I am going back to work, getting my shit together and after our 'family trip' with the kids at the end of October, I AM OUT! PEACE! SEE YA!

Once you lose respect for someone, its real hard to get that back. And for the most part, neither of us respect each other! But the main thing is that we both know we need to do whats best for the kids and that they come first. We have different ideas of what that should be....but in the end we will always do what it right for them. And as for me, I don't think growing up in a home with parents who can barely stand the sight of each other is healthy at all. And deep down, I don't think he does either.


BTW, totally missing Annabelle lately. She has her own stuff going on, but she is my lifeline from all this insanity....just miss her. :(

We don't seem to be agreeing on much lately...really bumming me out! *sigh* When everyone around you thinks your crazy/wrong and the one person who is keeping you sane by telling you your not isn't's hard not to start to think that there is something wrong with you. I guess we'll see.

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