Monday, September 29, 2008

You can't get advice

from readers you don't have!

How to "put it in the box"?????
I've never been good at that. Until my nephew died last year, I found it nearly impossible. And then the tidal wave of unbearable grief came and my brain said "cannot cope" and created a nice, tidy box to store this grief in, instead of processing it. Here and there, the lid would crack open and oily, black pain would seep into EVERY aspect of my life. I was, and am, absolutely astonished at my mind's new-found ability to compartmentalize (is this even a word???).

1 comment:

Abi said...

Wow Pal! I SOOOO know what you mean. I have so many 'compartmentalized' aspects of my life it is unreal. It sucks that this is a reality for you and I, and most likely a lot of other people. But it is definately a way to cope with loss, anger, resentment, the list goes on and non. Never feel like you have to put anything 'in the box' with me....ears wide open, shoulder always here! LY